
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yes, I'm Talking to You

To the lady in the minivan who stopped to help yelled and honked like a mad woman when we had to pull our car over on ever busy Spadina. After it got rearended by a streetcar. I suppose you would've preferred us to stay in the middle of the road so you wouldn't have had to change lanes. What is the matter with you?
To the streetcar driver, you seemed very kind. And I don't want this accident to cost you your job. But please do not say we "suddenly hit the brakes" and decided to turn. We had our signal on the whole time. And came to a gentle stop as we generally do when we approach stoplights. Hopefully this was a first for you and the TTC will let this one slide.
To my Krummer ladies, thank you for keeping me calm. Heart you to the moon and back.
To S, my sweet S, I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said "it's been a bad week" even before this accident happened. But thank you for looking forward to the good that comes after a string of bad events. I love you.

And love, thank you for sharing Life Lesson # 289 with me: When you shake a bottle, without its cap on, it will make a mess.
Yes darling, that is what tends to happen. I'm sorry you got it in on your bag, sweater, papers. And face. Sweetheart, you need to look at what you are doing. Sometimes.
To the people at UPS, how on earth did you scrap the first line of the receiving address? Now you are left wandering the streets of Florida. Please note, all lines of the address are equally important. And should not be ignored.
To the people who decided one must drink 3 glasses of water to have the perfect amount so you can conduct your ultrasound, clearly your bladder is the size of Alaska. Mine however, is not.
To K, thank you for letting me go "just a lil bit" when you saw my eyes watering. I've learned that when your bladder is beyond full, it's gotta come out somehow.
To my dear Ela, yes you. When will you learn that: A full bladder + A belted outfit = A bad. Freaking. Idea.
I don't care that you got dressed and left the house before 6am. You need to think things through. More.
To my lovely readers, my bloggie friends, I'm sorry I haven't been around your digs lately. This week has been a tough one for me to manage. I have a sweet pea I'm worried about, a family friend in the hospital, a BFF who won't return my calls (is she OK? No idea), eventful days that will not allow me much computer time, and my body has finally caved and is trying majorly to catch up on some sleep. I'll be around soon. I promise.
xo Ela


  1. You got hit?? Are you okay?!?!?! Now I am worried about you....

    Sorry it's been a bad week :(

    BUT... soon you will have some green goodies and a beautiful blazer to cheer you up. And I think you're one of the most amazing people in the world... if that helps at all.
    If you need to vent... my email is ALWAYS on :)


  2. Hope you're not too shaken up from the accident. Everything OK though? Hope no one was hurt...

    Take care!

  3. Sorry you had an accident! That's the worst. I really hope things start to look up. Bad week this week = great week next week, right??? RIGHT?? (That's what I tell the universe, anyway :)


  4. I hope you're ok from the accident! It sounds like people weren't too helpful on the street.

    Hope the week gets better.

  5. aww hope the rest of your week gets better and that you get the weekend to rest well... sorry about every thing and I hope your ok

    Vi from Cali

  6. Sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you are both ok. That said, your commentary on this post really made me giggle :)

  7. I hope you are both ok from the accident.

    P.S.: I am moving my blog. (, but I have a big problem with DNS of and now the blog update is not working. (for example: google reader, bloglist...) I hope so the problem will be resolved soon. I want let me know this. Please don't forget to visit this blog because I can make a new post for everyday, will not break my habit.♥

  8. Hope everything gets better!

    I totally feel you on the busy side of things and my body is craving sleep! ahh

  9. I'm sorry you're having a rough week and that you had an accident. When it rains it pours unfortunately! Sending you big hugs and hopes for brighter days :)

  10. You poor poor thing. I wish I could give you a big ole hug :(

  11. maybe it's early but i'm so confused by this post. what i got from're having a bad week. boo all the whores who did that to you!

    hope the rest of the week gets better! hugs.

  12. Oh no, I am so sorry about this accident! I hope you are ok and that your car is too.. I have been in 2 accidents and been lucky both times, KNOCK ON WOOD!!

    Hope your weekend is much better! :)

  13. Oyyy Vey is this all in one week? Wishing you much rest and a better week for sure!

  14. sending you some internetty good vibes and support bubbles xxx

  15. Boy do I feel you on that full bladder. That is the absolute worst. I hope you're doing ok lady!!

  16. Hey, sorry I haven't visited in a while. Been busy with this little screaming thing called Abby, going through growth spurts, a cold, and her shots!

    Hope things have been looking up for you!

    What was the ultrasound for? I remember having to fill up on water before my ultrasound and it was *painful* holding it in.

    One time I just had to pee even though it was 10 mins before the appointment. Didn't seem to make any difference so I'm not sure what the big deal is really...

  17. Hope you feel better soon! Sorry you had to go through an accident, hope all is better now.


Penny for your thoughts?
Hmm...let's make that an I.O.U ;)

xx Ela